Our Platform
For the last four years, we have strived to make Wayne Township the model by which other governments measure themselves. Today, that is a reality. We have worked continuously to improve township services, maximize efficiency and deliver more resources to the neediest in our community at unprecedented levels. We are honored and excited for the opportunity to continue to serve you and your family.
Community Mental Health
Mental health will be one of our top priorities. We will work with the community to establish a volunteer lead Mental Health Board that would be responsible for allocating funds each year to support services and programs for all residents of Wayne Township in the areas of mental health, developmental disabilities and substance abuse.
The Wayne Township Food Pantry
We will build on the success that our Food Pantry Modernization & Expansion Project has had in our community. We have been able to provide greater quantities of high-quality food and products to the neediest families in our community.
We will work tirelessly to enhance and expand our food pantry operations to serve more people in this time of tremendous need.
The Wayne Township Senior Center
We take nothing more seriously than the health and well-being of our seniors. We will continue to empower the seniors in our community to maintain an independent and active lifestyle
As we move forward, it is important to keep our seniors connected to vital services and resources. We are committed to the enhancement and support of the social, emotional, physical, and intellectual needs of all our seniors.
Environment & Sustainability
We are committed to doing our part to protect and preserve our environment. Our focus will be on two main initiatives. The first is to open or rehab more green spaces in the township that residents can enjoy. The second, is to host more recycling, reuse, and shred events to ensure paper, electronics, chemicals and textiles are properly disposed of and/or recycled to ensure they are not sent to be buried in a landfill.
Accessibility & Communication
Wayne Township serves a diverse population, and we aspire to ensure that township services are readily available to all residents regardless of income, mobility, or language. We will continue to implement technologies that will provide greater access to township services and improve communication to all residents.
Budget & Taxes
It is our duty and responsibility to the community to be responsible stewards of every tax dollar. We will always ensure that every township program is as efficient and effective as possible.
Over the last four years, we have maintained a balanced budget and continued to be one of the smallest portions of your property tax bill. This has been accomplished all while being able to expand and enhance the services offered by the Wayne Township Food Pantry and Senior Center.
We will continue to deliver for our community and meet our goals. We will continue to maintain a balanced budget each year, stretch every tax dollar, and ensure every cent spent benefits the residents of Wayne Township.