Michael Musson
Township Assessor
Property taxes are a source of concern to most homeowners. Equitable and accurate assessments are essential to the fairness and integrity of the property tax system. The Assessor is tasked with the mass-appraisal of all of the properties within the township.
As Wayne Township Assessor, Michael Musson has consistently maintained the most uniform
assessed values in DuPage County, according to Illinois Department of Revenue statistics. Wayne
Township is also one of the most uniformly assessed jurisdictions in Illinois.
Michael is a lifelong Wayne Township resident, and has a strong familiarity with the neighborhoods across the Township. From a very young age, Michael was interested in a career in real estate appraisal. Michael began his career as a Deputy Assessor in York Township and became the Wayne Township Assessor in 1994.
Michael achieved the Certified Illinois Assessing Officer designation from the Illinois Property Assessment Institute in 1991 and has taken more than one thousand hours of continuing education
courses through the Illinois Department of Revenue, Illinois Property Assessment Institute, the Appraisal Institute and the International Association of Assessing Officers. Michael also earned a Masters of Public Administration (MPA) degree from Northern Illinois University in 2010.
Michael became a Wayne Township Republican Precinct Committeeman in 1997, and has served as Secretary, Treasurer, and Vice Chairman before being elected Chairman in 2018, and again in 2020.
Michael has a strong history of community involvement. He is a member of both the Carol Stream and Bartlett Area Chambers of Commerce and has been a member of the Bartlett Rotary Club since 2008, in which he has served two terms as Club President. Since 2018, Michael has served as an Assistant District Governor for Rotary District 6440. He has volunteered extensively at the Wayne Township Food Pantry, and since 2016, has served as the Treasurer of the Wayne Township Pantry and Senior Services.
As Assessor, Michael oversees a friendly, professional office, and is uniquely qualified to continue to provide the highest-quality service to Wayne Township Residents.